And a letter from the President of Cooper Union:
April 16, 2007
Memorandum to The Cooper Union CommunityBeginning early this morning, the Virginia Tech campus experienced a
deadly assault by a gunman that resulted, in the words of President
Charles Steger, in a tragedy of unspeakable proportions. Varying reports
at this time have placed the number of deaths at between 22 and 32,
along with 29 victims who were injured.While this tragedy reverberates throughout the academic world, it is the
deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States. It
transcends the boundaries of higher education and goes to the heart of
our modern human civilization. I have taken the liberty, on behalf of
our entire community, to write a personal note to President Steger to
express our deep sense of sorrow, empathy and heartfelt condolences on
this tragic event. I have also offered a helping hand.While we ponder the senselessness of this event, I hope that you will
all join me in focusing your hearts, minds and prayers on victims,
families and friends who are suffering in the aftermath of the tragedy.President George Campbell Jr.
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Tags: Virginia Tech