Category Archives: Personal Thoughts

World: We Apologize for the Inconvenience

From a mutual Democratic friend, David Rose: F R O M   T H E   D E S K   O F   T H E   U N I T E D   S T A T E S Dear World: The United States … Continue reading

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Future Forward to late January 2009

Sent by my brother on this wonderful Thanksgiving Day. And wishing all of my readers a Happy Thanksgiving. One sunny day in late January 2009, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he’d been sitting … Continue reading

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Why do corporates get low-cost loans, and citizens get their credit pulled?

Please Mr. Treasury Secretary, look out for the little guys and make sure that Amex (and the other banks) do not just focus on their bottom lines – they should be thinking like any other sustainable and responsible business does – thinking about the impact they have on their local economies, and their potential for damage when hiding from the storm. The Great Depression was locked in place for so many years due to government inaction and the fear the large corporates had when they held onto their reserves. If we do not mandate a process where corporates are required to put the money directly into action within the economy, we will find ourselves in even worse trouble. Continue reading

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Thinking about the awesome challenges ahead…

From a friend, Karl Frisch (and others):

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A moment when time(s square) stood still.

President-elect Obama – you have the weight of a Nation on your shoulders. Bear it well and with the courage you spoke of. This is your time to show America – and the world – what it truly means to be a leader.

Thank you for that moment sir. I think I know now what my family spoke of when Jack Kennedy became President. It has been an honor being part of this moment of history. Continue reading

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