Category Archives: Personal Thoughts

Switched over from MT 4.1 to WP 2.6.1

Well – after a number of years of thinking about doing it, I finally completed the task of migrating from MovableType 4.1 to WordPress 2.6. Truthfully, after researching and working with both platforms over the past two years with clients … Continue reading

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Deja Vu: McCain 08 looks a lot like Kerry 04

I do not like predictions on campaigns, but the way I see this campaign going – especially with the infrastructure and organization the Obama Campaign has pushed forward, I see a poor showing for McCain – even with an October Surprise. Continue reading

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Colin Powell’s Take on Millenials

Colin Powell presents his own POV on recruiting Millenials to the Military in 2025 Continue reading

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Obama at Cooper Union on 21st Century Market Regulation

The third part of his speech brought back the flourish of the American Dream and what it means to everyday Americans. But I think, once again, he took on a topic and discussed something that will require argument and discussion amoungst us and our choices, since the basic principle that Obama discusses is that we are the responsible ones. We are done with waiting for our turn to stand up – our turn is now. Continue reading

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Obama speaking at Cooper Union supports the Millennial theory

What was especially interesting was watching a large clot of my students, who have never struck me as politically active, almost rioting in the quest of getting these tickets for the event. The line was especially long, students had been waiting outside to get one of these precious tickets, and the discussion as to why they wanted to be there were along the lines of what Winograd and Hais mentioned in their talk. This is about being part of a “good thing”, a person of “vision”, and a feeling of something special about coming to the Great Hall once again. Continue reading

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