Category Archives: Political Tech

I have much more confidence in the Obama Campaign now…

While this may sound silly, after a couple of conversations today with friends in the tech community who are relatively close to the Obama Campaign, let me say that from the reports and whispers I hear – the team has … Continue reading

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Freedom of Information leads to better engagement?

For example, imaging if Obama was offering a feed of donations to their campaign as an RSS feed and some person took that data, stripped out nothing but the dollars donated and plotted the information on a graphing solution like Trendrr. Now, imagine people are able to generate their own data and make their own assessments with the information, free from the opinions of the pundits and the “opinionmakers”. Continue reading

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Wha? Lieberman site wasn’t hacked?

I was reading TPM today and found myself chuckling with the Federal probe completed today commenting on the fact that Lieberman’s website was not hacked, rather that the takedown of the site during the day before the primary election was due to “misconfiguration”. Continue reading

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Millennial Makeover: Is there a Lincoln or FDR in the 2008 race?

This evening, as I finished my work at Cooper, I took a walk over to the Great Hall to
listen to Dr. Fred Shapiro introduce Morley Winograd and Michael Hais discuss their
new book, “Millennial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube and the Future of American Politics”
with a talk asking the question, “Is there a Lincoln or FDR in the 2008 Presidential Race?”
Interestingly, the talk seems to have been a combination of the premise of the book
creation, as well as an attempt to answer the question posed at the start of the talk.
[Suffice it to say, I think they would say Obama is the next Lincoln/FDR – more on
this later] But what was most interesting to me was the discussion of the impact of
technology and generational demographics and their impact on American history – which goes to
the heart of two of my posts ([1],
“Would social networks impact the 2008 election?”. At the time, I answered in the negative.
After this book, I might have a different point of view… Continue reading

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Blast from the Past – Kerry’s 2004 Online Fundraising Performance

We were seriously worried about the software doing on contributions since it was relatively cheap and had not been tested under serious load conditions, but when New Hampshire went to JK, I was there all night long watching the server load, making sure we were okay. And, we made it quite nicely. It wasn’t until SuperTuesday that we discovered the fallacy of low-cost solutions in an enterprise world. Continue reading

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