Florida Election Ballot Special

Simply put – wanted to thank all of my readers who have written me and commented on the posts for this election. To make it easier to find answers to your questions, I wanted to provide a link to all of the posts for your information.

Broward County Charter Initiatives

Broward County Charter Initiatives – details on the changes to the Broward County Charter

Florida Constitutional Amendments

Florida Amendments – details on the proposed changes to the Florida Constitution

Elected Officials

Elected Officials – summary of the Presidential Election, for Florida Congressional District 19 and the Broward Sheriff

Oliver Parker vs Fred Segal

Oliver Parker vs Fred Segal – information on the Broward County Soil and Water Conservation District, Seat 3

This has been one of the more popular posts – especially since both candidates decided not to campaign for this seat. I was able to get Mr. Segal to respond, but I have yet to hear from Mr. Parker.

Christine Jennings vs Vern Buchanan

Christine Jennings vs Vern Buchanan – information on the Florida Congressional District 13 race in Sarasota, Florida.

Update November 5th at noon: Congratulations to Sheriff Lamberti on his successful win (at least as far as I know today).  As for Mr. Parker, congratulations – and I sincerely hope you leverage Mr. Segal to help Broward County.  He is a good man and can be of great service to the community.

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Mayor Bloomberg, would you consider “Secretary of National Infrastructure”?

A friend and I were talking about Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s efforts for a third term in New York, and I was surprised to hear a refrain from him about how Mayor Mike could be better applied to the needs of our country, in a position other than the Mayor of New York. The following letter is provided as a thought piece – in case some of Mayor Bloomberg’s political people are reading:
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Christine Jennings / Vern Buchanan for Florida District 13

In the past few months, I have been talking with various campaigns (advising on the QT) since I have been somewhat swamped this year with business initiatives across the board. One of the teams I spoke with is the Democratic contender for the Congressional seat in Florida 13th, Mrs. Christine Jennings.

In my conversations with her Campaign Manager and her Communications Director, I learn a lot about the differences between the two candidates and asked for a comparison between the two candidates. Following is a breakdown of both Vern Buchanan’s positions/actions as Congressman and Ms. Jennings’ positions on the issues.
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Twitter Vote Report launches! Report what’s happening yourself!

One of the projects I have been working with is twittervotereport.com and the following video is a reasonably fun way to learn about what is happening right before your eyes:

Cameos by Nancy Scola, Billy Gray, Beka Economopoulos, Matt Cooperrider and Noel Hidalgo.
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Oliver Parker / Fred Segal for Broward Soil & Water Conservation District

So – after a blog comment expressing a familiar refrain of frustration on who are Oliver Parker and Fred Segal, I decided to dial some of my contacts and look into reaching out to the two candidates for the position of Broward County Soil and Water Conservation District 3.

What I discovered is interesting – the position, which is a county-wide position, is an unpaid position, and focused on the environment, land use and preservation and supporting the agricultural needs of the county. It turns out that this seat is a very obscure position – the Broward Supervisor of Elections even left it off the sample ballot when mailed out before the election. The Board of Supervisors meetings discussing the issues of the District, and the two candidates have interesting backgrounds. Below, I provide you with information on the two men – one from an interview I had over the phone, and one from what limited knowledge I have learned about him on the web. I have left a phone message with Mr. Parker and am waiting for replies/photos from both men.

Fred Segal, current incumbent

Mr. Segal is the incumbent in the seat, and had been appointed to fill a vacancy in the District back in June 2008. He said that he was appointed to the seat because he normally attended the Board of Supervisors meetings for over three years and is involved with many orgs on environment, water, etc – and the roles are important.
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