The falling dollar…

One more from Dave Winer at The Scripting News:

Is it me or are we in real trouble? When 20+ years back, we thought a $1.5B bailout for Chrysler was a big thing, and today we ignore a $25B bailout for the auto industry and then blightly give away another $140B in pork barrel spending to give another $700B away?

I remember reading something about how Henry Paulson did not understand how business was conducted in Washington DC, where a three page memo was far too arrogant. Well, I am glad that we were able to fluff that puppy up for the Congress. Shame on you, Mr. Paulson. [sarcasm flag]

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“…for those Joe Six-Packs playing a drinking game, MAVERICK!”

Incredibly funny – well worth the nine plus minutes to watch. SNL does it again (thanks Tiny Fey!).

I wonder – did the McCain campaign really think the game (Sarah Palin on the stage having to argue coherently) would not be scrutinized and evaluated by everyone in the MSM and in the blogosphere? And that they would get away with someone like this?

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Obama: Presidential, McCain: Brawler, American People: which?

Watching the debate has been a roller coaster ride for me – both from being outside of the country and seeing how people are responding to the election and the financial crisis. But the thing that has been the scariest has been watching the tactics of the two campaigns and seeing which is winning out in the press.

My $0.02 of tonights debate

Watching this – I saw in the first third of the debate a candidate who looked like a deer caught in the headlights – bobbing and weaving on the issues of the financial crisis. With more stories of past experiences and no substance, McCain has to ride out the conversation topics since his gambit on “suspending the campaign” did not work out. And, it seems as though his debate prep consisted of two things – ride through the financial crisis with various stories and do not look at Obama.

Obama, on the other hand, seemed to be focusing on the concept of being the Presidential statesman – the person who will rise above the double-talk rhetoric and to establish himself as the more “presidential”. I keep thinking that his answers could benefit from the training that Biden is getting – less rhetoric and more meat and KISS (keep it simple).

For the most part, the economic part of this debate was Obama’s to win, and McCain scampered through it.
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Liveblogging the First Presidential Debate

Watching the debate on BBS (no commentary, what a great way of listening) while in Bangkok, Thailand:
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Retransmitting Obama/McCain Statement

After waking up on the other side of the world, I find myself astonished at the insanity that is overtaking the election – especially with McCain’s fear of speaking in public.

This is an election that will determine our future – especially in a world where leadership needs to step up. McCain’s choice to delay/avoid is a political play, which I can understand from the political game, but not when we – as Americans – need true leadership.

Joint Statement of Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain

“The American people are facing a moment of economic crisis. No matter how this began, we all have a responsibility to work through it and restore confidence in our economy. The jobs, savings, and prosperity of the American people are at stake.

Now is a time to come together – Democrats and Republicans – in a spirit of cooperation for the sake of the American people. The plan that has been submitted to Congress by the Bush Administration is flawed, but the effort to protect the American economy must not fail.

This is a time to rise above politics for the good of the country. We cannot risk an economic catastrophe. Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country.”

Speaking for himself, Senator Obama outlined the following principles that he calls on Senator McCain to support:

I believe that several core principles should guide this legislation.

First, there must be oversight. We should not hand over a blank check to the discretion of one man. We support an independent, bipartisan board to ensure accountability and complete transparency.

Second, we need to protect taxpayers. There should be a path for taxpayers to recover their money, and to turn a profit if Wall Street prospers.

Third, no Wall Street executive should profit from taxpayer dollars. This plan cannot be a welfare program for CEOs whose greed and irresponsibility has contributed to this crisis.

Fourth, we must help families who are struggling to stay in their homes. We cannot bail out Wall Street without helping millions of families facing foreclosure on Main Street.

Fifth, we both agree that this financial rescue package should move on its own without any earmarks or other measures. We have different views about the need for other action, but this must be a clean bill.

This is a time to rise above politics for the good of the country. We cannot risk an economic catastrophe. This is not a Democratic problem or a Republican problem – this is an American problem. Now, we must find an American solution.


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