I have much more confidence in the Obama Campaign now…

While this may sound silly, after a couple of conversations today with friends in the tech community who are relatively close to the Obama Campaign, let me say that from the reports and whispers I hear – the team has done a lot more than simply put together a DeanSpace 2.0.

I can not speak directly on what I have learned – let me say simply: with a team like Obama’s and the vision that they are executing on – I am extremely excited to see what happens 40+ days from now. But, it all rests on our getting out the vote.

Have you registered to vote?

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Change I want to Believe In – for the future of America

For the past four days (and months before), I have said to many friends that the issues that would dominate this years election would be the economy – and at times, I considered some alternatives to who would be my choice for President this coming election. In the beginning – I was not sure on all – I was looking at more economic wonks like Mitt Romney (okay, so he’s a Repug – I still looked at him and his suggestions), and Mike Bloomberg (yes, Mayor Mike who had breakfast with Obama at a NY deli a while back) and began to feel more confident about Obama – not because of his strong economic background, but because he seemed to b another learned man who could effectively think and lead us through the crisis that we were heading toward.

And now, four days since the start of this financial crisis, I am holding out hope for Obama and the future of our country. I am tired of the failed economic and energy policies that has been put in place the past seven years.

I still remember the anger I felt when I read about those private meetings in the VP’s office on a n energy policy that was drafted by beneficiaries of the oil company largess (e.g. Ken Lay).

I still remember the utter frustration I felt when I watched our great country convince itself to prepare for war in a country that could not have attacked us – and let the antagonist of our financial stresses get away in Afghanistan – just so we could capture him at an appropriately “good” time.

I still remember talking with friends of mine in London warning me to get out of the stocks and anything dealing with real estate since the US had been acting more like a third-world nation with its financial structure – and that if we had a name like Argentina, we would have our Moodys rating drop to “junk” status.

And I still remember the dream of being the most powerful nation in the world, a “hyperppower” in the New American Century as the Repug neoCons called it. It called for military projection into other areas, and little focus on our countries infrastructure and strength beyond our soldiers for fodder in the grand powerplays.
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Job Posting: DBA for Obama for America in Chicago

From a mailing list I am on:

Apologies for the broad email, but Uday Sreekanth, the Deputy CTO/Data Architect for the campaign, mentioned to me the campaign is in need of an experienced DBA to augment their efforts.

Here is the job description below from Uday:

The Obama for America campaign has an immediate need for an experienced DBA to manage our data analytics and targeting, managed in a MySQL database. A majority of the work will be centered around importing data frequently from external vendors, and writing, monitoring and optimizing scripts that
transform the imported data. Fluency with SQL and scripting is a must, and experience with MySQL is preferred. Most importantly, this person must be able to start working in downtown Chicago right away, as we have just a short amount of time to election day!

  • Campaign will assist in finding (free) supporter housing
  • US citizens and permanent residents only

If you have any candidates, please have them contact Uday Sreekanth at Uday [at] barackobama.com.

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Gina Gershon doing Sarah Palin

Okay, so maybe this is funny – may it is not. But way too much fun for me to not add to this blog:

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“Lipstick on a Pig” – McCain’s Moral Center missing

I have been watching this recent issue unfold with a bit of incredulity – especially when you watch the video of what the “Palin Truth Squad” is crying about:

When I went to YouTube to see what the other side was doing, they artfully removed the leading content – and trimmed it down for others to make an assumption, based on showing the Hockey Mom/Pit Bull comment from her speech to actually set the premise of the “outrage” fostered by the McCain camp.

And then, I saw Andrew Sullivan’s post today.  In it, he expresses much of my own thoughts, in a very artful manner. There is a disappointment I feel in McCain and his actions – or rather, his inaction in this, his last major campaign for his career. What surprises me is how he is trading his legacy for the potential win:

Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who cares about this country’s safety would gamble the security of the world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this country’s national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time.

McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not have the character to be president of the United States. And that is why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain – no one else – has proved it.

I have enjoyed watching McCain over the years – even appreciated his blunders on the Daily Show and appreciate that he is a POW.  But when a man decided to follow the baser instincts of his advisers because it is more important to win via vitriol rather than on the benefit of your own plans, that is not a man I wish to see as President.

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