Part 1 of 2: Mayor Mike Bloomberg at Cooper Union


Usually I have my laptop with me at major events, but I was revising my operating system at the time – and had to go with the old reliable pen and paper. So, my live-blogging was more in line with reporting than typical blogging. I will do my best to capture what happened last night at the Great Hall at Cooper Union and to capture the heart of what Mayor Bloomberg said.

Quick summary: I expect a February Surprise from Mr. Mayor. And a very pleasant one at that.

After the break, TB: Tom Brokaw’s questions, MB: my parsing of Mayor Bloomberg’s answers.

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Israelis and Palestinians: Bridging the Divide

In my travels, I have met some very interesting people – some of which are looking to address problems that have have a serious impact on life in this world. Dafna Tal is one of them. Dafna is a photographer from israel that has been frustrated with the division between Israelis and Palestinians and has been working to make a difference in the lives of others.

The following press release of her upcoming event in New York is her way of making things happen. Consider this a personal invitation from Dafna.

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Sen. McCain does ashes and saccloth on the Daily Show

Sen John McCain
Got home this evening and turned on the TiVo to watch the Daily Show tonight and watched Sen. McCain chatting with John Stewart. And, funny thing is, I have almost the same commentary from my former post.

Let me start with: All I can say is, “OMG!” What the? It was a strange and surreal friendly banter between Stewart and Senator McCain. I have not known many Naval officers in my life, but the verbal engagement style was strangely familiar. Haven’t I seen this performance before? Almost down to the hand motions and the vocal intonations.

This time (he said it was his tenth), McCain was a lot more congenial – I guess when you have dropped in the polls, you come back to earth with your thoughts and convictions. This time around, we ignored the Iraq issue and had a nice talk about the Iowa Straw Poll and other candidates. It was a “nice” interview, definitely a more entertaining one. But, when will we see other candidates show up and give their real opinions?

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Uggh…travesty of justice

Travesty of Justice

After a long silence, this last act by Bush has left me with a shaking head and sad heart. I worked hard to elect a real Democrat last cycle, and JK did not win. I hope that the travesty that is this Administration can be stopped.

Is this the Republican way? Lie, obfuscate, delay and play games – and then, at the last minute, get a “get out of jail free” pass? Someone, please tell me this is a dream.

Jeffrey Feldman, at Frameshop writes here:


What a shocker (yawn). President Bush announced, today, his decision to commute the 30-month jail sentence of criminal fibber and erstwhile best-boy to Dick Cheney, a.k.a. “I’ll-show-you-my-rap-sheet-if-you-show-me-yours” Lewis Libby.

The pathetic aspect of this disgusting travesty–I mean the Bush Presidency, not the Libby case–is President Bush attempting even in this announcement to run a PR scam on the American public.

What is it this time? For some reason, President Bush–who has the power to commute a sentence for whatever reason he chooses–wants the American public to believe that he “weighed” the circumstances and arguments of the case and came to a sound conclusion–as if hidden in that brush-clearing head of his there lurks some kind of judicial mind.


Is there anyone–anyone, that is, besides the terminally brainless Tucker Carlson–who actually believes that Bush plucked “I-know-all-the-dirty-secrets-that-can-bring-you-down” Lewis Libby from the iron jaws of jail for any other reason than, well…to make sure he keeps his lying mouth shut on the encyclopedia of felonies and crimes committed by Bush and Cheney?

Please, will Congress do the right thing?

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Political Branding 101: Differences

Just got this forwarded from my friend Azeem in London:

Via zero-zed

While this may not be standard communication practice, it was far too funny to not present. After so many emails and constant media impressions, just an exercise in understanding how branding works…in layman’s terms.


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