Integrity – Lieberman style…now, I question

Senator Joe Lieberman

Just on Daily Kos today and saw this diary from Cenk Uygur drawing the rallying cry about how Senator Lieberman has forsaken his promises during the 2006 Election. In reading the post, and the original sourcing article from MSNBC, I was taken aback by what the Senator has done. As mentioned in the article,

Last year, when he was running for re-election in Connecticut, Lieberman was a vocal critic of the administration’s handling of Katrina. He was especially dismayed by its failure to turn over key records that could have shed light on internal White House deliberations about the hurricane, including those involving President Bush.

Asserting that there were “too many important questions that cannot be answered,” Lieberman and other committee Democrats complained in a statement last year that the panel “did not receive information or documents showing what actually was going on in the White House.”

But now that he chairs the homeland panel—and is in a position to subpoena the records—Lieberman has decided not to pursue the material, according to Leslie Phillips, the senator’s chief committee spokeswoman. “The senator now intends to focus his attention on the future security of the American people and other matters and does not expect to revisit the White House’s role in Katrina,” she told NEWSWEEK.

This is surprising since I have always felt that Senator Lieberman is the kind of person that will stand up for honor and integrity, especially when having to represent the weak and powerless. The insane cockup of the government’s handling of Katrina (let alone Iraq) needs investigation. We spent far too much time on determining what President Clinton did or did not do with a particular intern, we spent far too little time on determining whether we should go into Iraq.

As an observant Jew, Senator Lieberman knows that every Jew has a responsibility to act in the manner that G-d wants the world to follow – to model the ideals that are right in this world. The Jewish faith has impacted the world in many ways, and as a leader in the Senate, he has a responsibility to think about the social impact of his decisions. Does he model the best in integrity….or does he model the social mores he is in? I hope he finds the compass once again and remembers that he has a social responsibility to the country, more than a friendship with a lame-duck President.

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Florida proposing to move up the primary…

State Senator Jeremy Ring

Interesting news out of Florida today – with State Senator Jeremy Ring co-authoring a bill to move up the Florida primary to January 29th to compete with South Carolina in terms of early primaries. In the article, Ring says:

“We know for sure that Iowa and New Hampshire do not represent the diversity of the United States of America,” Sen. Jeremy Ring, D-Margate, told the House Ethics and Elections Committee Thursday. “We know the state of Florida does. We know that, as Florida goes, so the country goes.”

While I appreciate what Senator Ring says, I think it quite amusing when I use that logic and would say that Ohio should then be earlier than Florida since it has statistically shown the direction of the country in elections. Other arguments include the fact that since Florida is such a large state, that smaller candidates would not have the ability to campaign across the state as effectively as they do in New Hampshire or Iowa. Candidates with better momentum and infrastructure would win out, or so the argument goes.

But I support the shift to an earlier date
Yes, I do – for a very simple reason. Florida needs to build its infrastructure – political infrastructure to be more inclusive and not simply in the last six weeks of an election cycle. The article rightly discusses the fact that Florida tends to be a fund raising stop for almost all candidates (where else to wealthy New Yorkers/famous people go to retire?) but then they leave as quickly as they came. By forcing an awareness of the political process earlier in Florida, the parties (yes, Florida Democratic Party, I am talking about you) will be required to develop a better infrastructure (note, I am not using the word “machine”), which should lead to an increase in public involvement (if only to have their voice heard). Florida has quickly become another microcosm of the United States – travel the state, and you will find almost every part of this country represented. Where better to get a send of the country than here.

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Massa v. Dickert: Massa Cancels Arbitration Hearings and Concedes

Update March 6th, 2008: As of this afternoon, the libel suit is settled and a joint statement for the press will be released in due time.

Final Order from Arbitrator

Arbitration Hearings Cancelled
With just 96 hours left until the arbitration hearings were to begin, Eric Massa conceded that the campaign was responsible for upholding my contract, which was the original reason for this arbitration. Eric Massa also withdrew with prejudice (meaning he can not try to bring them up again) the counterclaims that he had made against me in the arbitration.

While I am pleased about being vindicated against Eric Massa’s efforts not to pay my wages and finally getting paid the money I was owed, it came at a high cost of six months and close to $50K in legal bills, whereas Eric Massa was able to use some of his campaign funds (see [1], [2]) and free legal staff/services to support him through this process. Meanwhile, my political professional life was damaged beyond repair due to his false and empty allegations.

While this is a significant battle to have won, the war for my good name is not over yet. Unfortunately, Eric Massa did not retract or concede the false and inflammatory accusations he made about me that hit the press during the 2006 campaign. The impact of these unfounded accusations still reverberate in my personal and professional life long after the campaign ended.

Ongoing Lawsuit against Eric Massa
I filed the libel complaint (on Nov 2nd, 2006) against Eric Massa to get back my good name by either winning the lawsuit in open court or getting Eric to publicly concede his false accusations (see this post) as part of a settlement.

While I could have filed the lawsuit before that date (because of his libelous emails), due to the nature of these allegations and the major story of the day regarding Rep. Mark Foley, I knew that any action of this nature could seriously impact the success Democrats were having in taking back the House. By waiting until after the story broke in the national news, I was demonstrating my resolve not to hurt the Democrats in reclaiming my reputation, regardless of whether he won the seat or lost.

Instead of settling, Eric Massa filed a motion in NY State Supreme Court in New York City to dismiss these charges on a technicality. Eric Massa’s lawyers, Dealy and Silberstein, strongly believed the dismissal would succeed. I disagreed.

I could go on with more detail, but if you want to know more, contact Eric Massa at [email protected] for his response to this ongoing lawsuit. I am moving forward with my life, and this post is simply a way to update the people who have been asking as to where things stand at present.

Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to updating you with more positive news soon.

For completion of the case, please see these three posts:

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Well…quite certain about my political compass…

This morning, I was reading one of my mailing lists, and found an interesting like ( which was a quiz published in USA Today years go to determine where one lies on the political spectrum.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

After a few minutes, and entering my thoughts, I found myself exactly where I thought I would be – between Hillary and Bill, and closer to Bill (14 points). Where do you lie?

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Secretary of State Bill Clinton?

Presidents Clinton?

In a conversation over the holidays, I was chatting with some political handicappers (some people fixate on baseball stats, others on football, I am beginning to love political stats) and we were talking about the Edward announcement and the pending Hillary announcement. But with the standard evaluation of “she has the money, the policy chops and the drive/organization, will she win?” discussion, thoughts turned to there other assets (or liabilities, depending on whom you ask).

Being an engineer, I am loath to make any grand statements on “first time in history” ilk, but the tendency to wonder what a second Clinton White House would be like is an interesting puzzle. With former President Clinton becoming the First Gentleman (or is it First Man or is it First Husband?), there is such a wealth of talent and capability within those walls. With President Clinton’s incredible energy in the Clinton Global Initiative and with an eye on repairing the damage done over the last six to (at the time) eight years of draconian, aggressive, neo-con rule, whom else than President Clinton to be the Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Vice President to rectify and build strong relationships with our partners abroad?

Impact of natural disasters will take precedence
As I watch the VCs in the Valley ponying up money for green solutions and the continuing growth of awareness of the impact of our impact on the global environment (have never expected a NYE when I could wear a light sweater and jacket), we will need a champion that can coerce and engage global leaders to make the changes necessary. From all intents and purposes, President Clinton (42) will be a strong ally for President Clinton (44) in accomplishing the goals abroad. And, with Senator Clinton’s growth in domestic policy work and Homeland Security, I think the one, two, three punch (including the VP) will be an amazing impact on the coming years.

This is a vision worth being excited for. 42 works on global initiatives – especially for global warming, while 44 works on domestic and military initiatives. While there may be challenges in the sale of Senator Clinton to the Right or the Progressive Left – I think she will be quite the formidable challenger that all others will be compared to. And, in coming days, I will give an assessment on each leading campaign’s web/Internet presence as we move forward.

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