Tag Archives: Barack Obama

I have much more confidence in the Obama Campaign now…

While this may sound silly, after a couple of conversations today with friends in the tech community who are relatively close to the Obama Campaign, let me say that from the reports and whispers I hear – the team has … Continue reading

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Change I want to Believe In – for the future of America

am weaping because I do not think we know what is going to happen next. And, in a recent Time article, I read what struck me as the fundamental issue of this campaign. This is the call to action – none of this Sarah Palin crap, none of this “seven houses” crap – this is what matters. Continue reading

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Watching Obama VP race from afar…

While I have been in China this past week, I have been shuttling between hotels and conference rooms – while I see all sorts of people running back and forth to events, dinners, friends and such. I see a country … Continue reading

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Obama a Muslim? Obama in a madrassa? Waitaminute!

A man’s (or a woman’s) faith is their matter for themselves and their G-d. Our choice is whether we wish this person to become our President. For this choice, I can not see that Senator Obama does not have a relationship with G-d – I see a man, with his family, supporting both his faith and his choice of faith. And while the Reverend Wright may have used the bully pulpit to his PR advantage, the Senator did not waver from his faith or his belief. Continue reading

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Should the Democratic Primary Race drag on?

All the pundits put their own spin on the Democratic Primary, and I have my own. I have been a supporter of whomever I think can bring about positive change in America’s Future, and my own naval gazing brought about my decision of Senator Obama from a number of paths. But, has the continuing primary battles negatively impacted the potential for the Democrats to take back the White House? I think not, and here is why. Continue reading

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