Tag Archives: John Stewart

John Stewart: Why Campaigns are Better than Government

Listening to yesterday’s The Daily Show, I watched Aneesh Chopra speak with John Stewart about the challenges government faces with “legacy systems”, “legacy databases” and “20 year efforts” and watched John’s eyes glaze over. Let’s see if we can explain the problem. Continue reading

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Afterthoughts on the Rally to Restore Sanity and/orFear

John Stewart and friends put on the largest backyard Variety show on the National Mall today with the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. A little bit of music, a little bit of variety and, as all good fathers during a family gathering, gave us an ernest sermon that told us to be rational and see the real in the noise the media makes. One bug – he forgot to remind us to vote. Continue reading

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Sen. McCain does ashes and saccloth on the Daily Show

This time (he said it was his tenth), McCain was a lot more congenial – I guess when you have dropped in the polls, you come back to earth with your thoughts and convictions. This time around, we ignored the Iraq issue and had a nice talk about the Iowa Straw Poll and other candidates. It was a “nice” interview, definitely a more entertaining one. But, when will we see other candidates show up and give their real opinions? Continue reading

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